My Pets...ada beberapa ekor lagi saya tak sempat nak ambil gambar..
Ni namanya poppy. Seekor anjing..hadiah birthday yang ke 22 or 23....
Kat bawah ni ciki...dah tak ingat hadiah birthday yg ke berapa..rasanya dlm 2-3 tahun kebelakangan ni..
Saya ada 2 ekor lagi pets yang lain iaitu amirul - ciken yg boleh skrg dah tak boleh nyanyi lagi dah..dan seekor lagi itik kuning (mmg dinamakan itik kuning) english, the ugly duckling
Selain daripada pet tak bernyawa ni..saya ada gak pet yg bernyawa..
Memperkenalkan...kucing2..(gambar kalau sempat saya tepek la...)
1. Jasmine
2. Tipah/Dayang -cannot remember nama kuceng yg satu kuceng jantan taw... abg kepada jasmine
3. Gayah - mak kuceng...dah deliver baby tak tau dia letak kat mana..
2. Ciko - kucing siam yg tersesat ke rumah kitorang masa dia kecil lagi
ada 4 je rupanya...
Menyenaraikan perkara-perkara yang saya gemar lakukan. Untuk dikongsi bersama rakan-rakan.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
KLiK Klik...2
Gambar-gambar orkid ni saya snap pagi td...sementara nak panaskan enjin...
Bunga2 ini adalah kepunyaan mak job adalah untuk inform perkembangan bunga2 ni kepada my mom di kampung..kalau mak saya tak dtg ke rumah..alamat air hujan jelah yg manjakan orkid2 baja..and kalau dah kering kontang tu..barulah terhegeh2 nak siram...
Bunga2 ini adalah kepunyaan mak job adalah untuk inform perkembangan bunga2 ni kepada my mom di kampung..kalau mak saya tak dtg ke rumah..alamat air hujan jelah yg manjakan orkid2 baja..and kalau dah kering kontang tu..barulah terhegeh2 nak siram...
Klik KLik...1
Gambar2 ni telah diambil masa tengah boring2 tunggu my sister at the airport. Mula2 guna mode biasa. Sebab gelap n guna camera phone jer...tukar laks mode dia gak opsyen Style: Negative and jom lihat hasilnya...semua gambar nak snap sbb baru try style negative ni..wpun my phone dah berusia +- 3 tahun kalau tak silap
On the way balik dari airport. Tangkapla apa2 gambar yg kelihatan di depan. jadi co-pilot, dptla ambil gambar bagai....
Airport Building - taken from the parking area (dari dalam nak keluar)
Yang ni nak focus dekat rim kereta jer sebenarnya...eheh..tak sedar airport building masuk sekali..
Gambar pokok 1 - nampak batang pokok jer
Gambar kereta lagi - ni rim/tayar belakang laks..
Gambar pokok2 - boleh jadi karya agung tak ni??
Ni gambar pokok sebelum guna style negative - ni guna black n white
Ni laks guna normal kot..ehehe..dah tak ingat...
On the way balik dari airport. Tangkapla apa2 gambar yg kelihatan di depan. jadi co-pilot, dptla ambil gambar bagai....
Airport Building - taken from the parking area (dari dalam nak keluar)
Yang ni nak focus dekat rim kereta jer sebenarnya...eheh..tak sedar airport building masuk sekali..
Gambar pokok 1 - nampak batang pokok jer
Gambar kereta lagi - ni rim/tayar belakang laks..
Gambar pokok2 - boleh jadi karya agung tak ni??
Ni gambar pokok sebelum guna style negative - ni guna black n white
Ni laks guna normal kot..ehehe..dah tak ingat...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Air Slurpee
tq to
Air Slurpee
- Gula - 1 kg atau lebih
- Perwarna hijau - 1 botol--> kurangkan jadi 1/2 botol
- Sunquick mandrin - 1 botol kecil (penutup merah, ade tulis OREN MERAH)
- Esen perasa pisang - 1 botol (jernih warnanya)
- Masak air gula mcm biasa (masukkan air lebih sikit dari paras gula-mcm masak nasi, tp jgn banyak sgt airnya), pstu bila da jadi, masukkan 1 botol kecil sunquick..
- Lepas itu masukkan 1 botol esen perasa pisang, lastly perwarna hijau..(saya guna 1/2 botol je)
- Ni kira da jadi pati laa.. buleh guna utk majlis ato kenduri.. kalo nk jdkn mcm slurpee, bancuh jela mcm kte bancuh air sirap, pastu bekukan.. :) smt mcuba!
resipi ini telah dicuba dan mmg berjaya..
Resipi Sihat : Spaghetti Sihat
Sebab ada yang request resepi sihat, try ni dulu..
and tq to mutiarazura@myresipi.comSpaghetti Sihat
Bahan-bahan ( 4 orang )
- 500 gram spaghetti (sepeket)
- 300 gram isi ayam, dipotong dadu (boleh tambah jika suka)
- 1 labu bawang besar kuning – dicincang halus
- 3 ulas bawang putih – dicincang halus
- 1 biji lada benggala (capsicum) merah - didadu
- 1 batang carrot – didadu
- ½ tin cendawan butang – dihiris ikut suka (boleh juga guna cendawan tiram)
- 2 biji tomato segar – dipotong enam
- 100 gram daun parsley segar – dihiris halus bahagian daun sahaja, macam buat kerabu
- 2 sudu besar lada hitam serbuk (yang kasar-kasar)
- ½ sudu teh herba oregano kering (jika suka)
- Perahan ½ biji lemon atau 2 sudu besar cuka apel (cider vinegar)
- 1 kiub stok ayam
- 1 cawan minyak zaitun
- Garam secukupnya
- Rebus 2 liter air dalam periuk yang besar. Masukkan spaghetti apabila air mendidih dengan sedikit garam. Bila pasta lembut, angkat dan toskan.
- Dengan menggunakan api sedang, tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih dengan minyak zaitun. Jangan ditumis garing, cukup sekadar bawang layu.
- Masukkan daging ayam, kacau hingga nampak kesemua daging ayam telah masak.
- Masukkan capsicum, carrot dan cendawan dan tomato. Kacau rata.
- Masukkan lada hitam, daun parsley, herba oregano (jika suka), dan taburan kiub ayam. Kacau sebentar dan tutup api.
- Ambil spaghetti yang telah direbus tadi, masukkan dalam kuali yang dimasak ayam tadi (masih panas). Toskan hingga rata.
- Masukkan perahan lemon atau cider vinegar, dan toskan spaghetti lagi. Perasakan garamnya, jika kurang masin, taburkan sedikit garam dan toskan lagi. Jika suka pedas, boleh tambah chilli flakes atau lebihkan lada hitam.
- Mesti dihidang terus, panas-panas.
- Tips : Minyak zaitun yang digunakan agak banyak kerana ia menjadi base sauce yang menyalut spaghetti. Minyak ini menyihatkan kerana ianya monounsaturated, dan baunya juga lebih harum.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Cotton Soft Japanese Cheesecake
Nak try masak ni laks esok...
tq to Bahan-bahan ( 8-inci )
tq to
Cotton Soft Japanese Cheesecake
- Bahan A:
- 250g cream cheese
- 50g butter
- 100 ml susu segar (fresh milk)
- 6 biji kuning telur
- 1 sdb jus lemon
- 1/4 sdk garam
- 60g tepung kek / tepung superfine
- 20g tepung jagung (cornflour/cornstarch)
- Bahan B:
- 140g gula (granulated sugar)
- 6 biji putih telur
- 3/4 sdk krim tartar
- Cairkan cream cheese, butter & susu dgn teknik double boiler. Bila dah cair, sejukkan adunan cream cheese tu td. Kemudian, campurkan tepung, tepung jagung, kuning telur, garam & jus lemon ke dlm adunan cream cheese & gaul hgga sebati.
- Dalam bekas lain, pukul putih telur bersama tartar krim, sampai berbuih2 (foamy). Lepas tu, tmbhkan gula & pukul lagi sampai bertanduk (soft peak).
- Campurkan adunan Bahan A td ke dalam adunan Bahan B yg dah gebu tu & kacau smpai sebati. Sediakan tin/bekas kek yg bulat berukuran 8 inci, yg digriskan bwhnye & tepi tu salut dgn kertas baking. Tuang adunan kek dlm tin kek.
- Bakar kek dlm kire2 sejam, dgn cara au bain-marie (waterbath), pd 160 degrees C / 325 degrees F. Pd sesapa yg kurang pasti waterbath tu cmner, buatnye simpel jer. Lepas letak adunan dlm dlm tin kek, balut bwh hgga sparuh tinggi tin kek dgn aluminunium foil (ni double protection agar air xmasuk esp springfoam pan, saya x konfiden tu yg wat gitu hehe, kalo xmo buat ok je tp advisable balut). Then, letak tin kek tu atas dulang pembakar, pastu tuang air panas atas dulang pembakar, preferably ½ tinggi tin kek tu, lepas tu letak ler dlm oven then bakar ler, tu aje).
- Ni kek yg baru siap bakar, ter-over golden brown sket hihi (oven buat hal jap, signal kena beli oven baru kot adehhh kantoiii).
Quiche Tuna Berkeju
Try this recipe yesterday...mmg sedap dan mudah....
cuma, lain kali nak kurangkan sikit gula untuk pastri...
Thanks to Mat
++Maklumat Tambahan (kemaskini pada 5 nov 2008);
mlm tadi saya buat sekali lagi quiche ni dan adalah sedikit fail dan pls take note nota2 di bawah yea;
1. Jangan guna kiub ikan bilis - x sedap. Gantikan dengan garam and serbuk perasa (sblm ni guna garam and serbuk perasa, tp mlm tadi try guna kiub ikan bilis, kot2 sedap, mmg x sedap)
2. Jangan guna marjerin. Guna marjerin ni, doh keras sikit dan bila tambah marjerin, jadi berminyak. last2 pastri ku rasanya seperti biskut...hampeh..
3. Jangan mix tuna n mushroom, combination yang x berapa nak sedap.
4. Untuk pastri, saya dah try tak letak gula, kureng sikit arr..tapi sebelum ni, pastri terlebih manis la pulak. Rasanya kurangkan sukatan gula will be better.
Selamat mencuba
Quiche Tuna Berkeju
Bahan-bahan ( acuan tat berukuran 24cm )
cuma, lain kali nak kurangkan sikit gula untuk pastri...
Thanks to Mat
++Maklumat Tambahan (kemaskini pada 5 nov 2008);
mlm tadi saya buat sekali lagi quiche ni dan adalah sedikit fail dan pls take note nota2 di bawah yea;
1. Jangan guna kiub ikan bilis - x sedap. Gantikan dengan garam and serbuk perasa (sblm ni guna garam and serbuk perasa, tp mlm tadi try guna kiub ikan bilis, kot2 sedap, mmg x sedap)
2. Jangan guna marjerin. Guna marjerin ni, doh keras sikit dan bila tambah marjerin, jadi berminyak. last2 pastri ku rasanya seperti biskut...hampeh..
3. Jangan mix tuna n mushroom, combination yang x berapa nak sedap.
4. Untuk pastri, saya dah try tak letak gula, kureng sikit arr..tapi sebelum ni, pastri terlebih manis la pulak. Rasanya kurangkan sukatan gula will be better.
Selamat mencuba
Quiche Tuna Berkeju
Bahan-bahan ( acuan tat berukuran 24cm )
- 220 g tepung gandum
- 125 g mentega sejuk, didadu
- 1 camca besar gula aising
- 1 biji telur, dipukul sedikit
- 1/2 camca teh serbuk bawang putih (tak suka tak yah bubuh)
- 1 tin tuna flakes in olive oil, ditoskan
- 1 biji bawang besar, didadu halus
- 1 ulas bawang putih, cincang halus
- 1 cawan mix vege (lobak, kacang pis dan jagung)
- 1 camca besar mentega
- 1/2 cawan susu segar
- 2 helai daun bay
- 1/2 ketul kiub ikan bilis 'MAGGI'
- 1 camca teh serbuk lada hitam
- 2 camca besar hirisan daun bawang*
- 25 g parutan keju cheddar*(*utk hiasan)
- 3 biji telur gred A
- 1/3 cawan susu segar
- 1/2 camca teh serbuk lada hitam
- Secubit garam
- Satukan tepung, gula aising dan serbuk bawang (jika guna) dalam mixing bowl. Gaul rata. Masukkan mentega dan ramas dengan hujung jari sehingga menjadi seakan2 serbuk roti. Tuang telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil digaul hingga menjadi doh yang tidak melekat di mangkuk adunan. Tak pe jika telur tak habis digunakan...
- Bulat2kan doh, bungkus dengan plastik cling, leperkan sedikit dan simpan dalam peti sejuk 20 minit. Keluarkan doh dan canai doh antara 2 keping plastik. Canai setebal 0.3cm dan berdiameter kurang lebih 30 cm..
- Alihkan doh ke dalam acuan tat yg dasarnya boleh ditanggalkan. Kemaskan doh dan potong lebihannya.
- Kemudian cucuk2 permukaan doh dengan garfu, tujuan untuk membuang udara semasa proses membakar nanti.
- Ambil sekeping aluminium foil, letak atas doh tadi dan tuang kekacang dan bakar dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan pada suhu 175C, selama 15 minit.
- Keluarkan dari oven, alihkan aluminium foil dan bakar lagi 10 minit. Keluarkan dari oven dan boleh diisi dengan inti.
- Panaskan mentega dalam kuali, tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih, bila wangi, masukkan daun bay, dan mix vege. Gaul rata. Masukkan tuna, serbuk lada sulah, kuib ikan bilis dan susu, kacau rata dan masak hingga sedikit kering. Guna api perlahan.
- Masukkan inti tadi dalam kulit quiche, ratakan. Bancuh semua bahan2 utk kastard hingga sebati dan tuang atas inti tadi. Tabur daun bawang dan parutan keju cheddar.
- Bakar pada suhu 175C, selama 20 - 25 minit. Bila masak keluarkan dari oven dan biar sejuk, baru ditanggalkan dari acuan.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sabrina's Chocolate Cheese Cake
Sabrina's Chocolate Cheese Cake
Lapisan Coklat
1 buku mentega
50gm koko
225 gm tepung gandum
275gm gula halus
3 biji telur
1. Mentega dipukul bersama gula sehingga kembang.
2. Masukkan telur satu persatu.
3. Masukkan tepung gandum dan koko, gaul sehingga sebati.
4. Bakar pada suhu 160 darjah celcius selama 30 minit(Guna api bawah)
Lapisan Keju
1 kotak krim cheese (jenama Anchor) - 1kg
325gm gula halus
4 biji telur (1 biji di ambil kuningnya sahaja yg lain amik semua sekali)
1 sudu kecil vanilla
1. Krim cheese dan gula halus digaul sehingga sebati.
2. Masukkan telur satu persatu.
3. Akhir sekali masukkan vanilla
4. Letak pada bahagian atas lapisan coklat dan bakar pada suhu 160 darjah jugak tetapi selama 45 minit.(Gunakan api atas sahaja)....
Lapisan Coklat
1 buku mentega
50gm koko
225 gm tepung gandum
275gm gula halus
3 biji telur
1. Mentega dipukul bersama gula sehingga kembang.
2. Masukkan telur satu persatu.
3. Masukkan tepung gandum dan koko, gaul sehingga sebati.
4. Bakar pada suhu 160 darjah celcius selama 30 minit(Guna api bawah)
Lapisan Keju
1 kotak krim cheese (jenama Anchor) - 1kg
325gm gula halus
4 biji telur (1 biji di ambil kuningnya sahaja yg lain amik semua sekali)
1 sudu kecil vanilla
1. Krim cheese dan gula halus digaul sehingga sebati.
2. Masukkan telur satu persatu.
3. Akhir sekali masukkan vanilla
4. Letak pada bahagian atas lapisan coklat dan bakar pada suhu 160 darjah jugak tetapi selama 45 minit.(Gunakan api atas sahaja)....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Resipi: Kek Lapis Bawang Merah Bawang Putih
Kek Lapis Bawang Merah Bawang Putih
10 biji telur
1 tin susu manis
1 tin kecil kaya
1 sudu kecil ovallette
250g tepung hong kong
250g gula
450g mentega
100g horlick
1 sudu teh vanilla
1 sudu teh pewarna merah
Cara membuatnya:
1. Pukul telur dengan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan ovallete dan pukul lagi. Setelah kembang, masukkan tepung hongkong sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis.
2. Pukul mentega dan susu sehingga kembang di dalam mangkuk lain. Masukkan ke dalam adunan pertama tadi.
3. Masukkan kaya dan horlick, kemudian, kacau rata.
4. Kemudian, masukkan vanilla, gaul lagi.
5. Bahagikan adunan kepada 2 bahagian. Satu bahagian diwarnakan merah dan satu bahagian lagi mengunakan warna asal.
6. Resipi asal: Bakar adunan merah dahulu sehingga habis dan kemudian barulah dimasukkan warna asal dan dibakar hingga habis. Tapi mcm tak cantik, saya tukar kepada...
6. Bakar adunan merah dahulu dan buat sebanyak 2 lapis, kemudian, bakar pula 2 lapisan warna asal. buatlah begitu berselang seli sehingga adunan habis.
Selamat mencuba...
10 biji telur
1 tin susu manis
1 tin kecil kaya
1 sudu kecil ovallette
250g tepung hong kong
250g gula
450g mentega
100g horlick
1 sudu teh vanilla
1 sudu teh pewarna merah
Cara membuatnya:
1. Pukul telur dengan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan ovallete dan pukul lagi. Setelah kembang, masukkan tepung hongkong sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis.
2. Pukul mentega dan susu sehingga kembang di dalam mangkuk lain. Masukkan ke dalam adunan pertama tadi.
3. Masukkan kaya dan horlick, kemudian, kacau rata.
4. Kemudian, masukkan vanilla, gaul lagi.
5. Bahagikan adunan kepada 2 bahagian. Satu bahagian diwarnakan merah dan satu bahagian lagi mengunakan warna asal.
6. Resipi asal: Bakar adunan merah dahulu sehingga habis dan kemudian barulah dimasukkan warna asal dan dibakar hingga habis. Tapi mcm tak cantik, saya tukar kepada...
6. Bakar adunan merah dahulu dan buat sebanyak 2 lapis, kemudian, bakar pula 2 lapisan warna asal. buatlah begitu berselang seli sehingga adunan habis.
Selamat mencuba...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Kek Holiday Inn : Cara Cik Hani
Resepi ni saya modified untuk kawan2 yang baru nak belajar buat kek lapis. Resepi asal adalah dikukus..tetapi, saya bakar je..sebab lebih sedap dan tahan lama.... jom...
Kek Holiday Inn
10biji telur
16 oz mentega (Cap Golden Churn) yang lain x sedap
1 tin susu manis
1 tin kecil milo (1 bungkus refill yang kecil sekali)
1 botol kecil horlick (1 bungkus refill yang kecil sekali)
1 gelas gula caster (blend gula dan ayak pun boleh)
2 gelas tepung roti marie (Roti marie = biskut marie), patahkan, blen dan ayak
1 sudu teh vanilla.
pewarna kuning.
1. Pukul mentega dengan gula hingga kembang. Kemudian masukkan telur sebiji sebiji dan pukul lagi hingga kembang.
2. Masukkan tepung roti sedikit-sedikit dan kacau rata dan kemudian masukkan susu manis dan vanila kacau lagi hingga rata.
3. Bagi adunan kepada 2 bahagian
Satu bahagian dicampur dengan milo.
Satu bahagian lagi dicampur dengan horlick dan warna kuning.
4. Kukuslah adunan milo dulu hingga masak bila masak angkat dan masukkan adunan horlick kukus lagi hingga masak. Buatlah begini sehingga habis. --> Part ni kita tukar kepada
4. Sapukan loyang kuih dengan sedikit mentega kemudian, taburkan tepung dan ratakan --> ini untuk memudahkan proses mengeluarkan kek dari loyang bila dah sejuk nanti..
5. Panaskan oven menggunakan api atas sahaja pada suhu 200 darjah celcius
5. ambil segelas adunan milo dan ratakan di dalam loyang, kemudian bakar lebih kurang 5 minit. Cucuk dengan lidi, jika tidak melekat, bolehlah dikeluarkan. (tetapi lapisan pertama selalunya perlu dimasak lebih lama..)
6. Jika sudah masak lapisan pertama, ratakan permukaan kek dengan cake iron (jika ada), cake iron ni adalah satu aluminium leper..tapi optional jer..
7.kemudian, dengan gelas lain, sukat segelas adunan horlick dan lapis...bakar sehingga masak..dan buatlah begitu berselang seli sehingga habis kesemua adunan.
8. Setelah masak, bakar gunakan api bawah dan atas selama lebih kurang 3-5 minit.
9. Setelah itu, sejukkan kek tersebut dan sedia untuk dihidangkan...herm...
Selamat mencuba
Kek Holiday Inn
10biji telur
16 oz mentega (Cap Golden Churn) yang lain x sedap
1 tin susu manis
1 tin kecil milo (1 bungkus refill yang kecil sekali)
1 botol kecil horlick (1 bungkus refill yang kecil sekali)
1 gelas gula caster (blend gula dan ayak pun boleh)
2 gelas tepung roti marie (Roti marie = biskut marie), patahkan, blen dan ayak
1 sudu teh vanilla.
pewarna kuning.
1. Pukul mentega dengan gula hingga kembang. Kemudian masukkan telur sebiji sebiji dan pukul lagi hingga kembang.
2. Masukkan tepung roti sedikit-sedikit dan kacau rata dan kemudian masukkan susu manis dan vanila kacau lagi hingga rata.
3. Bagi adunan kepada 2 bahagian
Satu bahagian dicampur dengan milo.
Satu bahagian lagi dicampur dengan horlick dan warna kuning.
4. Kukuslah adunan milo dulu hingga masak bila masak angkat dan masukkan adunan horlick kukus lagi hingga masak. Buatlah begini sehingga habis. --> Part ni kita tukar kepada
4. Sapukan loyang kuih dengan sedikit mentega kemudian, taburkan tepung dan ratakan --> ini untuk memudahkan proses mengeluarkan kek dari loyang bila dah sejuk nanti..
5. Panaskan oven menggunakan api atas sahaja pada suhu 200 darjah celcius
5. ambil segelas adunan milo dan ratakan di dalam loyang, kemudian bakar lebih kurang 5 minit. Cucuk dengan lidi, jika tidak melekat, bolehlah dikeluarkan. (tetapi lapisan pertama selalunya perlu dimasak lebih lama..)
6. Jika sudah masak lapisan pertama, ratakan permukaan kek dengan cake iron (jika ada), cake iron ni adalah satu aluminium leper..tapi optional jer..
7.kemudian, dengan gelas lain, sukat segelas adunan horlick dan lapis...bakar sehingga masak..dan buatlah begitu berselang seli sehingga habis kesemua adunan.
8. Setelah masak, bakar gunakan api bawah dan atas selama lebih kurang 3-5 minit.
9. Setelah itu, sejukkan kek tersebut dan sedia untuk dihidangkan...herm...
Selamat mencuba
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mungkin Tuhan sengaja mahu kita berjumpa dengan orang yang salah sebelum menemui insan yang betul supaya apabila kita akhirnya menemui insan yang betul, kita akan tahu bagaimana untuk bersyukur dengan nikmat pemberian dan hikmah di sebalik pemberian tersebut.
Apabila salah satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, yang lain akan terbuka tapilazimnya kita akan memandang pintu yang telah tertutup itu terlalu lama hinggakan kita tidak nampak pintu yang telahpun dibukakan untuk kita.
Kawan yang paling baik ialah seseorang yang anda boleh duduk di Dalam buaian dan berbuai bersama tanpa berkata apa-apa pun dan kemudian berjalan pulang dengan perasaan bahawa itulah perbualan yang palinghebat yang pernah dialami.
Memang benar yang kita tidak akan tahu apa yang telah kita punyai sehinggalah kita kehilangannya dan juga benar bahawa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita rindukan sehinggalah 'ia' datang.
Memberi seseorang seluruh cinta anda bukanlah satu kepastian yang mereka akan menyintai anda kembali! Jangan harapkan cinta sebagai balasan. Nantikan sahaja ia untuk mekar di dalam hati mereka tapi sekiranya ia tidak, pastikanlah ia terus mekar di dalam hati anda.
Ia cuma mengambil masa seminit untuk jatuh hati pada seseorang, satu jam untuk menyukai seseorang, satu hari untuk menyintai seseorang tetapi ia mengambil masa sepanjang hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.
Jangan pandang kepada kecantikan kerana boleh jadi ianya palsu.Jangan kejar kemewahan kerana ianya akan susut. Carilah seseorang Yang membuatkan anda tersenyum kerana ia cuma memerlukan sekuntum Senyuman untuk mencerahkan hari yang suram. Carilah yang membuatkan hati anda tersenyum.
Akan tiba satu ketika di dalam kehidupan apabila anda teramatkan rindukan seseorang sehingga anda ingin menggapainya dari mimpi anda dan memeluknya dengan sebenar.
Mimpilah apa yang ingin anda mimpikan, pergilah ke mana-mana yang ingin anda tujui dan jadilah apa yang anda inginkan kerana anda hanya memiliki satu kehidupan dan satu peluang untuk melakukan semua perkara yang ingin anda lakukan.
Semoga anda memiliki kebahagiaan yang cukup untuk membuatkan diri anda menarik, percubaan yang cukup untuk membuatkan anda kuat, kesedihan yang cukup untuk memastikan anda adalah seorang insan dan harapan yang cukup untuk membuatkan anda bahagia.
Selalu bayangkan diri anda di dalam kasut seseorang. Jika anda rasa ianya menyakitkan anda, fikirlah ia mungkin menyakitkan orang lain juga.
Kebahagiaan seseorang manusia tidak semestinya dalam memiliki Segala yang terbaik. Mereka hanya membuat yang terbaik dalam hampir apa saja yang datang di dalam perjalanan hidup mereka. Kebahagiaan terletakkepada mereka yang menangis, mereka yang terluka, mereka yang telah mencari dan mereka yang telah mencuba. Hanya mereka yang bolehmenghargai kepentingan manusia yang telah menyentuh hidup mereka.
Cinta bermula dengan senyuman, mekar dengan ciuman dan berakhir dengan tangisan.
Masa depan yang cerah sentiasa berteraskan kehidupan yang lalu Yang telah dilupakan. Anda tidak boleh meneruskan kehidupan dengan Sempurna sehingga anda melupakan kegagalan dan kekecewaan masa silam.
Semasa anda dilahirkan, anda menangis dan orang di sekeliling Anda tersenyum. Teruskanlah hidup anda supaya apabila anda mati nanti,andalah yang akan tersenyum dan orang sekeliling anda pula yang akan menangis.
Apabila salah satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, yang lain akan terbuka tapilazimnya kita akan memandang pintu yang telah tertutup itu terlalu lama hinggakan kita tidak nampak pintu yang telahpun dibukakan untuk kita.
Kawan yang paling baik ialah seseorang yang anda boleh duduk di Dalam buaian dan berbuai bersama tanpa berkata apa-apa pun dan kemudian berjalan pulang dengan perasaan bahawa itulah perbualan yang palinghebat yang pernah dialami.
Memang benar yang kita tidak akan tahu apa yang telah kita punyai sehinggalah kita kehilangannya dan juga benar bahawa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita rindukan sehinggalah 'ia' datang.
Memberi seseorang seluruh cinta anda bukanlah satu kepastian yang mereka akan menyintai anda kembali! Jangan harapkan cinta sebagai balasan. Nantikan sahaja ia untuk mekar di dalam hati mereka tapi sekiranya ia tidak, pastikanlah ia terus mekar di dalam hati anda.
Ia cuma mengambil masa seminit untuk jatuh hati pada seseorang, satu jam untuk menyukai seseorang, satu hari untuk menyintai seseorang tetapi ia mengambil masa sepanjang hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.
Jangan pandang kepada kecantikan kerana boleh jadi ianya palsu.Jangan kejar kemewahan kerana ianya akan susut. Carilah seseorang Yang membuatkan anda tersenyum kerana ia cuma memerlukan sekuntum Senyuman untuk mencerahkan hari yang suram. Carilah yang membuatkan hati anda tersenyum.
Akan tiba satu ketika di dalam kehidupan apabila anda teramatkan rindukan seseorang sehingga anda ingin menggapainya dari mimpi anda dan memeluknya dengan sebenar.
Mimpilah apa yang ingin anda mimpikan, pergilah ke mana-mana yang ingin anda tujui dan jadilah apa yang anda inginkan kerana anda hanya memiliki satu kehidupan dan satu peluang untuk melakukan semua perkara yang ingin anda lakukan.
Semoga anda memiliki kebahagiaan yang cukup untuk membuatkan diri anda menarik, percubaan yang cukup untuk membuatkan anda kuat, kesedihan yang cukup untuk memastikan anda adalah seorang insan dan harapan yang cukup untuk membuatkan anda bahagia.
Selalu bayangkan diri anda di dalam kasut seseorang. Jika anda rasa ianya menyakitkan anda, fikirlah ia mungkin menyakitkan orang lain juga.
Kebahagiaan seseorang manusia tidak semestinya dalam memiliki Segala yang terbaik. Mereka hanya membuat yang terbaik dalam hampir apa saja yang datang di dalam perjalanan hidup mereka. Kebahagiaan terletakkepada mereka yang menangis, mereka yang terluka, mereka yang telah mencari dan mereka yang telah mencuba. Hanya mereka yang bolehmenghargai kepentingan manusia yang telah menyentuh hidup mereka.
Cinta bermula dengan senyuman, mekar dengan ciuman dan berakhir dengan tangisan.
Masa depan yang cerah sentiasa berteraskan kehidupan yang lalu Yang telah dilupakan. Anda tidak boleh meneruskan kehidupan dengan Sempurna sehingga anda melupakan kegagalan dan kekecewaan masa silam.
Semasa anda dilahirkan, anda menangis dan orang di sekeliling Anda tersenyum. Teruskanlah hidup anda supaya apabila anda mati nanti,andalah yang akan tersenyum dan orang sekeliling anda pula yang akan menangis.
Have u ever feel...
Have u ever feel like ur life is incomplete?
Have u ever feel that ur missing something but u couldn’t figure what it is?
Have u ever been in love?
Have u ever love someone so much but u couldn’t be with her?
when u like someone u will always think about that persons a lot
when u love someone u'll always miss her..
what makes love’s good is when u miss one another a lot and u'll always wanna be by her side
what's the harm to love someone's close to u
at least u know u'll never be hurt…..but sometimes it does
we don’t need to be rich to fall in love...all we need is….
someone to have n hold with all our heart n soul
someone who stay around who warms our ups and down
i love her that's all i know
i know she's hurt but i really loves her
if I could only told her how I really feel for her n how I want her to be mine…
i wish that she could be mine forever coz only god knows how much i love her
but i know that is impossible coz we are two diffrent people with one thing in common
no matter what happen i'll keep her in my heart forever....although i know we're not meant to be together…
Have u ever feel that ur missing something but u couldn’t figure what it is?
Have u ever been in love?
Have u ever love someone so much but u couldn’t be with her?
when u like someone u will always think about that persons a lot
when u love someone u'll always miss her..
what makes love’s good is when u miss one another a lot and u'll always wanna be by her side
what's the harm to love someone's close to u
at least u know u'll never be hurt…..but sometimes it does
we don’t need to be rich to fall in love...all we need is….
someone to have n hold with all our heart n soul
someone who stay around who warms our ups and down
i love her that's all i know
i know she's hurt but i really loves her
if I could only told her how I really feel for her n how I want her to be mine…
i wish that she could be mine forever coz only god knows how much i love her
but i know that is impossible coz we are two diffrent people with one thing in common
no matter what happen i'll keep her in my heart forever....although i know we're not meant to be together…
I've learned
I've learned-
that you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.
I've learned-
that it's taking me a long time to
become the person I want to be.
I've learned-
that you should always leave loved ones with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them.
I've learned-
that you can keep going long after you can't.
I've learned-
that we are responsible for what we do,
no matter how we feel.
I've learned-
that either you control your
attitude or it controls you.
I've learned-
that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship
is at first, the passion fades and there had
better be something else to take its place.
I've learned-
that heroes are the people who do what has to
be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I've learned-
that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I've learned-
that my best friend and I can do anything
or nothing and have the best time.
I've learned-
that sometimes the people you expect to kick you
when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.
I've learned-
that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be
angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I've learned-
that true friendship continues to grow, even over
the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I've learned-
that just because someone doesn't love you the
way you want them to doesn't mean they
don't love you with all they have.
I've learned-
that maturity has more to do with what types of
experiences you've had and what you've learned
from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I've learned-
that your family won't always be there for you. It may
seem funny, but people you aren't related to can take
care of you and love you and teach you to
trust people again. Families aren't biological.
I've learned-
that no matter how good a friend is, they're going
to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I've learned-
that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others,
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I've learned-
that our background and circumstances may have
influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I've learned-
that just because two people argue, it doesn't
mean they don't love each other. And just
because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
I've learned-
that we don't have to change friends
if we understand that friends change.
I've learned-
that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret,
It could change your life forever.
I've learned-
that two people can look at the exact same thing
and see something totally different.
I've learned-
that your life can be changed in a matter of minutes,
by people who don't even know you.
I've learned-
that even when you think you have no more to give,
when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.
I've learned-
that credentials on the wall do not
make you a decent human being.
I've learned-
that the people you care about most
in life are taken from you too soon.
that you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.
I've learned-
that it's taking me a long time to
become the person I want to be.
I've learned-
that you should always leave loved ones with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them.
I've learned-
that you can keep going long after you can't.
I've learned-
that we are responsible for what we do,
no matter how we feel.
I've learned-
that either you control your
attitude or it controls you.
I've learned-
that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship
is at first, the passion fades and there had
better be something else to take its place.
I've learned-
that heroes are the people who do what has to
be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I've learned-
that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I've learned-
that my best friend and I can do anything
or nothing and have the best time.
I've learned-
that sometimes the people you expect to kick you
when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.
I've learned-
that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be
angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I've learned-
that true friendship continues to grow, even over
the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I've learned-
that just because someone doesn't love you the
way you want them to doesn't mean they
don't love you with all they have.
I've learned-
that maturity has more to do with what types of
experiences you've had and what you've learned
from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I've learned-
that your family won't always be there for you. It may
seem funny, but people you aren't related to can take
care of you and love you and teach you to
trust people again. Families aren't biological.
I've learned-
that no matter how good a friend is, they're going
to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I've learned-
that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others,
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I've learned-
that our background and circumstances may have
influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I've learned-
that just because two people argue, it doesn't
mean they don't love each other. And just
because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
I've learned-
that we don't have to change friends
if we understand that friends change.
I've learned-
that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret,
It could change your life forever.
I've learned-
that two people can look at the exact same thing
and see something totally different.
I've learned-
that your life can be changed in a matter of minutes,
by people who don't even know you.
I've learned-
that even when you think you have no more to give,
when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.
I've learned-
that credentials on the wall do not
make you a decent human being.
I've learned-
that the people you care about most
in life are taken from you too soon.
I care about YOU !!
Read Slowly...
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you hadn't?, or
Saying nothing and wishing you had?
I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid totell someone you love them. If you do, they might break your heart...if you don't, you might break theirs.
Have u ever decided not 2 become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person?
Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't.
You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own........when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.
Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you?
Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much...for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all.
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?
We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we
don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us.
But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger.
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump.
Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had.
* What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye?
*What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?
*What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? (even if it is that you don't care anymore)
*What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them?
*What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them?*
People live, but people die. I want to tell you that
you are a friend.
If you died tomorrow (God Forbid)
You would be in my heart.
Would I be in yours?
If you care about me as much as I care about you
you will send this back
We might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year, don't talk that often the next, and don't want to talk at all the year after that.
So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life,
I look up to you, respect you, truly cherish you , most of all I CARE about friends
Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you.
Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will.
Remember, everyone needs a friend someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all, just remember this Messege and take comfort in knowing somebody out there cares about you and always will..
I care about YOU !!
Monday, March 17, 2008
1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.
2. Guys hate flirts.
3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
4. When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.
5. "Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.
6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
7. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
8. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.
11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.
12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can't. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!
13. Guys cry!!!
14. Don't provoke the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.
15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.
16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.
17. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
18. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.
19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.
20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
21. When a guy makes a prolonged "umm" or makes any excuses when you are asking him to do you a favor, he's actually saying that he doesn't like you and he can't lay down the card for you.
22. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow."
23. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
24. Guys hate gays!
25. Guys love their moms.
26. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
27. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
28 You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
29. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
30. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
31. Like Eve, girls are guys' weaknesses.
32. Guys are very open about themselves.
33. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.
34. No guy is bad when he is courting
35. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
36. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.
37. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
38. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
39. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
40. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.
41. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
42. Guys try to find the stuffed toy a girl wants but would unluckily get the wrong one.
43. Guys virtually brag about anything.
44. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
45. Guys think too much.
46. Guys' fantasies are unlimited.
47. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does!
48. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
49. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl.
50. It's not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they broke up especially when they've been together for 3 years or more.
51. You have to tell a guy what you really want before getting involved with that guy.
52. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be matured and grow up.
53. When an unlikable circumstance comes, guys blame themselves a lot more than girls do. They could even hurt themselves physically.
54. Guys have strong passion to change but have weak will power.
55. Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed pussycats with their girlfriends.
56. When a guy pretends to be calm, check if he's sweating. You'll probably see that he is nervous.
57. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is.
58. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying "Please come and listen to me"
59. Guys don't really have final decisions.
60. When a guy loves you, bring out the best in him.
61. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him.
62. If a guy has been kept shut or silent, say something.
63. Guys believe that there's no such thing as love at first sight, but court the girls anyway and then realize at the end that he is wrong.
64. Guys like femininity not feebleness.
65. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
66. A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be sure unless the girl tells him.
67. A guy would waste his time over video games and basketball, the way a girl would do over her romance novels and make-ups.
68. Guys love girls who can cook or bake.
69. Guys like girls who are like their moms. No kidding!
70. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
71. A guy's friend knows everything about him. Use this to your advantage.
72. Don't be a snob. Guys may easily give up on the first sign of rejection.
73. Don't be biased. Try loving a guy without prejudice and you'll be surprised.
74. Girls who bathe in their eau de perfumes do more repelling than attracting guys.
75. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
76. Guys don't comprehend the statement "Get lost" too well.
77. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions but still love them more.
78. When a guy gives a crooked or pretentious grin at your jokes, he finds them offending and he just tried to be polite.
79. Guys don't care about how shiny their shoes are unlike girls.
80. Guys tend to generalize about girls but once they get to know them,they'll realize they're wrong.
81. Any guy can handle his problems all by his own. He's just too stubborn to deal with it.
82. Guys find it so objectionable when a girl swears.
83. Guys' weakest point is at the knee.
84. When a problem arises, a guy usually keeps himself cool but is already thinking of a way out.
85. When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at fixing things.
86. When a guy looks at you, either he's amazed of you or he's criticizing you.
87. When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance, give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance, ignore him.
88. If a guy lets you go, he really loves you.
89. If you have a boyfriend, and your boy best friend always glances at you and it obviously shows that he is jealous whenever you're with your boyfriend, all I can say is your boy best friend loves you more than your boyfriend does.
90. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.
91. You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain when he cries in front of you!
92. If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him first why.
93. When a guy says he can't sleep if he doesn't hear your voice even just for one night, hang up. He also tells that to another girl. He only flatters you and sometimes makes fun of you.
94. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
95. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.
96. Girls are allowed to touch boys' things. Not their hair!
97. If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you.
98. Guys hate girls who overreact.
99. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
extract from ..tqvm
2. Guys hate flirts.
3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
4. When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.
5. "Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.
6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
7. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
8. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.
11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.
12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can't. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!
13. Guys cry!!!
14. Don't provoke the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.
15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.
16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.
17. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
18. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.
19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.
20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
21. When a guy makes a prolonged "umm" or makes any excuses when you are asking him to do you a favor, he's actually saying that he doesn't like you and he can't lay down the card for you.
22. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow."
23. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
24. Guys hate gays!
25. Guys love their moms.
26. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
27. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
28 You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
29. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
30. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
31. Like Eve, girls are guys' weaknesses.
32. Guys are very open about themselves.
33. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.
34. No guy is bad when he is courting
35. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
36. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.
37. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
38. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
39. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
40. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.
41. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
42. Guys try to find the stuffed toy a girl wants but would unluckily get the wrong one.
43. Guys virtually brag about anything.
44. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
45. Guys think too much.
46. Guys' fantasies are unlimited.
47. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does!
48. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
49. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl.
50. It's not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they broke up especially when they've been together for 3 years or more.
51. You have to tell a guy what you really want before getting involved with that guy.
52. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be matured and grow up.
53. When an unlikable circumstance comes, guys blame themselves a lot more than girls do. They could even hurt themselves physically.
54. Guys have strong passion to change but have weak will power.
55. Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed pussycats with their girlfriends.
56. When a guy pretends to be calm, check if he's sweating. You'll probably see that he is nervous.
57. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is.
58. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying "Please come and listen to me"
59. Guys don't really have final decisions.
60. When a guy loves you, bring out the best in him.
61. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him.
62. If a guy has been kept shut or silent, say something.
63. Guys believe that there's no such thing as love at first sight, but court the girls anyway and then realize at the end that he is wrong.
64. Guys like femininity not feebleness.
65. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
66. A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be sure unless the girl tells him.
67. A guy would waste his time over video games and basketball, the way a girl would do over her romance novels and make-ups.
68. Guys love girls who can cook or bake.
69. Guys like girls who are like their moms. No kidding!
70. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
71. A guy's friend knows everything about him. Use this to your advantage.
72. Don't be a snob. Guys may easily give up on the first sign of rejection.
73. Don't be biased. Try loving a guy without prejudice and you'll be surprised.
74. Girls who bathe in their eau de perfumes do more repelling than attracting guys.
75. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
76. Guys don't comprehend the statement "Get lost" too well.
77. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions but still love them more.
78. When a guy gives a crooked or pretentious grin at your jokes, he finds them offending and he just tried to be polite.
79. Guys don't care about how shiny their shoes are unlike girls.
80. Guys tend to generalize about girls but once they get to know them,they'll realize they're wrong.
81. Any guy can handle his problems all by his own. He's just too stubborn to deal with it.
82. Guys find it so objectionable when a girl swears.
83. Guys' weakest point is at the knee.
84. When a problem arises, a guy usually keeps himself cool but is already thinking of a way out.
85. When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at fixing things.
86. When a guy looks at you, either he's amazed of you or he's criticizing you.
87. When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance, give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance, ignore him.
88. If a guy lets you go, he really loves you.
89. If you have a boyfriend, and your boy best friend always glances at you and it obviously shows that he is jealous whenever you're with your boyfriend, all I can say is your boy best friend loves you more than your boyfriend does.
90. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.
91. You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain when he cries in front of you!
92. If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him first why.
93. When a guy says he can't sleep if he doesn't hear your voice even just for one night, hang up. He also tells that to another girl. He only flatters you and sometimes makes fun of you.
94. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
95. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.
96. Girls are allowed to touch boys' things. Not their hair!
97. If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you.
98. Guys hate girls who overreact.
99. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
extract from ..tqvm
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